Tuesday, October 16, 2012

God’s Money – Part 2 of 3

Luxembourg Christmas MarketPhoto by Debbie Shiel Perhaps you’ve heard people say that to be godly you have to be poor and miserable. Some Christians depict Jesus as a weak, blond-haired, blue-eyed man who lived a deprived life. First of all, Jesus was a Jew from the Middle East, so He would have had dark hair and dark eyes with an olive complexion. And yes, He was born in a stable, but only because there was no room in the inn. Joseph could have paid for something better, but Father God allowed the Son of God to be placed in a manger...
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Saturday, October 6, 2012

God’s Money – Part 1 of 3

People say money makes the world go round. Money does make things happen. It can even gain a person power and influence. But, many wrongly place their faith in it. Others say that money is the root of all evil. They are referring to a verse from the Bible which really states that the love of money is the root of all evil (1Tim. 6:10). Money in itself does not bring evil, but loving it does. When we love our money, we allow it to consume our thoughts. Then, it begins to control us. Soon we find our energies are spent on the pursuit...
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