Friday, November 8, 2013

Our Thoughts and Emotions - Part 3 of 3

Image by Christina Morley The fact is that whatever is going on inside of us overflows into how we behave toward others. If our thoughts are stirring up negative emotions, then we need to consider what we are thinking about. We decide what to think. The Bible tells us that whatsoever things are pure and whatsoever things are lovely, we should think on these things (Phil. 4:8). Usually, what happens is that we waste lots of time reviewing in our minds a particularly negative situation over and over again. If we notice that our thoughts...
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Friday, October 11, 2013

Our Thoughts and Emotions - Part 2 of 3

Art and Text by Christina A. Morley Nothing heals a wound like forgiveness. God says that we should forgive others as the Lord has forgiven us. All of us have done wrong and have hurt others in the process, so we all need forgiveness. When we remember that God freely forgives us, we can obey Him by doing the same. Sometimes the wounds inflicted go so deep that we might not feel the people who hurt us deserve forgiveness. We harbor negativity toward them because we want them to pay for what they’ve done. This negativity seeps into...
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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Our Thoughts and Emotions - Part 1 of 3

Image and Text by Christina Morley All of us have traveled through life and have picked up a number of wounds along the way. For some the wounds inflicted were more terrible than for others. When these wounds are not healed, they begin to impact our lives negatively. Perhaps you lost a parent while growing up and have always felt the void this left. Or your family didn’t know how to show you love. Maybe you were one of the many at school who felt the stinging words of bullies. Or perhaps you were emotionally, physically, or even...
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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Poem - The Sun Rises

Follow my blog with Bloglovin The sun rises across the skyAs people are walking byShining on the rich and poorFrom desert to sea shoreOn every man, woman, and childFrom the city to the wildIt rises and then sets againEach day without endTelling a tale for all to seeThat we aren’t living equallyPerhaps equally we never willAnd also without justice ‘tilWe speak up for the weak and smallIn the daytime and at nightfallTo remain consistent and fairAs our lives are there to share by Christina Morl...
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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Money on the Move – Part 4 of 4

When it was time for us to leave Japan, we had no idea how we would pay our way back to the airport. Then unexpectedly, one of the Japanese workers who helped us get on a train to the airport gave us some money. Not only did he give us enough for our fare, but there was also enough to buy a few souvenirs at the airport. During our time in Tokyo we had firsthand experience of God working through people and through us. Life is not all about shopping at the mall, watching TV, or playing computer games. As parents, it’s our responsibility...
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