Monday, November 26, 2012

Money on the Move – Part 2 of 4

Please read Part 1, if you haven't already. On our first morning there, they invited us to their apartment for breakfast. We could tell by the questions they asked us that they thought we were crazy to make the trip to Japan without concrete arrangements. When we had finished eating, they read their morning Bible devotional with us. The topic happened to be about faith and trusting God for the impossible. We were about to pray together when the wife mentioned that Japan was experiencing a serious drought (the year was 1996). It had...
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Money on the Move – Part 1 of 4

Before I got married, the Lord gave me the promise in scripture where Jesus tells His disciples not to worry about what they would eat and drink or what they would wear. As long as they sought God’s Kingdom first, the Lord would take care of the rest (Luke 12:22-31). I knew that God was speaking directly to me in regard to my upcoming marriage and the life we would lead. We were to keep our hearts passionate about God’s things, and He would look after us. My husband and I chose to take God at His word. If getting married without financial...
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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Poem - Crumbs or Steak

Tell me, who knows the mind of the Lord that we should offer Him counsel?If He has told us a thing, is it not true?Either we believe God or we place His wisdom on a mantel,Which is like living our lives in an old, smelly shoe. What has He promised for His beloved daughters and sons?Did He not say that He would take care of each and every one?So why are we so busy eating the crumbsWhen God wants us to live a life of joy and even have fun? We easily get focused on what our needs areThat we forget to seek God’s Kingdom first.When we get...
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Sunday, November 4, 2012

God’s Money – Part 3 of 3

The Word of God speaks over and over again about money matters. He knows that we have practical needs. There have been many times in my married life when my husband and I needed to see God come through financially and materially. Our first few years of marriage were especially challenging. I remember a couple of times that I fasted when the money ran out, asking God literally for milk money. Our giving to the Lord was more haphazard in those days. Sometimes we gave generously, but often we gave below the tithe. When it came to money,...
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