Sunday, November 11, 2012

Poem - Crumbs or Steak

Tell me, who knows the mind of the Lord that we should offer Him counsel?
If He has told us a thing, is it not true?
Either we believe God or we place His wisdom on a mantel,
Which is like living our lives in an old, smelly shoe.

What has He promised for His beloved daughters and sons?
Did He not say that He would take care of each and every one?
So why are we so busy eating the crumbs
When God wants us to live a life of joy and even have fun?

We easily get focused on what our needs are
That we forget to seek God’s Kingdom first.
When we get our priorities right and up to par,
Then God will give us a marvelous thirst.

We’ll begin to see the needs of others around
And God will fill us with living water that will always abound.
To seek His Kingdom first is to be eating that steak,
And to discover a life of faith, believe God, it’s no mistake.

Photo and poem by Christina Morley

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