Monday, December 10, 2012

Money on the Move – Part 3 of 4

We spent the two final weeks, before flying back home to South Africa, at a Bible printing organization. The workers were mostly singles who lived on the property in dorm rooms. We were offered a single’s room with a small kitchenette; the bathrooms were down the hall. Lunches were provided and we were blessed with a small allowance to cover the other meals. During the day, the place was alive with the hustle and bustle of many people hard at work. At night, they all disappeared into their rooms. The halls were deserted and the place...
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Monday, November 26, 2012

Money on the Move – Part 2 of 4

Please read Part 1, if you haven't already. On our first morning there, they invited us to their apartment for breakfast. We could tell by the questions they asked us that they thought we were crazy to make the trip to Japan without concrete arrangements. When we had finished eating, they read their morning Bible devotional with us. The topic happened to be about faith and trusting God for the impossible. We were about to pray together when the wife mentioned that Japan was experiencing a serious drought (the year was 1996). It had...
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Money on the Move – Part 1 of 4

Before I got married, the Lord gave me the promise in scripture where Jesus tells His disciples not to worry about what they would eat and drink or what they would wear. As long as they sought God’s Kingdom first, the Lord would take care of the rest (Luke 12:22-31). I knew that God was speaking directly to me in regard to my upcoming marriage and the life we would lead. We were to keep our hearts passionate about God’s things, and He would look after us. My husband and I chose to take God at His word. If getting married without financial...
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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Poem - Crumbs or Steak

Tell me, who knows the mind of the Lord that we should offer Him counsel?If He has told us a thing, is it not true?Either we believe God or we place His wisdom on a mantel,Which is like living our lives in an old, smelly shoe. What has He promised for His beloved daughters and sons?Did He not say that He would take care of each and every one?So why are we so busy eating the crumbsWhen God wants us to live a life of joy and even have fun? We easily get focused on what our needs areThat we forget to seek God’s Kingdom first.When we get...
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Sunday, November 4, 2012

God’s Money – Part 3 of 3

The Word of God speaks over and over again about money matters. He knows that we have practical needs. There have been many times in my married life when my husband and I needed to see God come through financially and materially. Our first few years of marriage were especially challenging. I remember a couple of times that I fasted when the money ran out, asking God literally for milk money. Our giving to the Lord was more haphazard in those days. Sometimes we gave generously, but often we gave below the tithe. When it came to money,...
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

God’s Money – Part 2 of 3

Luxembourg Christmas MarketPhoto by Debbie Shiel Perhaps you’ve heard people say that to be godly you have to be poor and miserable. Some Christians depict Jesus as a weak, blond-haired, blue-eyed man who lived a deprived life. First of all, Jesus was a Jew from the Middle East, so He would have had dark hair and dark eyes with an olive complexion. And yes, He was born in a stable, but only because there was no room in the inn. Joseph could have paid for something better, but Father God allowed the Son of God to be placed in a manger...
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Saturday, October 6, 2012

God’s Money – Part 1 of 3

People say money makes the world go round. Money does make things happen. It can even gain a person power and influence. But, many wrongly place their faith in it. Others say that money is the root of all evil. They are referring to a verse from the Bible which really states that the love of money is the root of all evil (1Tim. 6:10). Money in itself does not bring evil, but loving it does. When we love our money, we allow it to consume our thoughts. Then, it begins to control us. Soon we find our energies are spent on the pursuit...
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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Poem - Take Timeout

My daughter, Amanda Lord, help me take timeout in my busy day, Remembering my kids also want me to play. They want a mommy, who can laugh and run, Because all they know is how to have fun. To them their world is not about cooking and cleaning. For them it’s all about climbing and swinging. Help me remember what it is to be a child once more And set aside tasks to take them out the front door. By Christina Morl...
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Working Moms – Part 4 of 4

Interestingly, the Proverbs 31 woman was not suppressed by the male-dominated culture. In those days, it was expected of most women to care solely for their homes. They seldom had equal opportunities and most of them were uneducated. Sadly, it’s still like this today in many countries and cultures around the world. This woman described in Proverbs 31, however, was someone with authority. She had the freedom to make her own business decisions and to earn her own money. Nowhere in the passage does it mention that her husband controlled...
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Working Moms – Part 3 of 4

Sometimes you may be doing what God has called you to do, but you continue to feel unfulfilled. When my first two were still in diapers and I was their primary caregiver, I knew that I was in the center of God’s will, but it was a constant struggle. Regularly I felt as if I was dying a hundred deaths. Those are the times when we must learn how to draw strength from God. Perhaps you feel that your efforts are going unnoticed. Maybe you’re wondering why you even bother. Give yourself a break once in a while. Reward yourself for those...
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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Working Moms – Part 2 of 4

I chose to be a stay-at-home mom while my kids were small. I knew it was the best I could do for them, but I didn’t enjoy being bound to the house. Some mothers may feel fulfilled in their role as stay-at-home moms. But, what if, like me, you have also chosen to be a stay-at-home mom but feel unfulfilled? What if you desire to be doing more than just housework? In order to keep some variety in my life, I tried different things, such as working from home to bring in a little extra money. Choosing to stay at home to raise your children...
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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Working Moms – Part 1 of 4

Being a mom often requires a delicate balancing act. Sometimes, you may even feel more like the clown in the circus rather than the acrobat. Jumping from the role of wife, to mother, to employee, and all the rest, can get you into quite a knot if your rhythm is wrong. Timing and balance are of the essence. What if you feel deep down inside that you are meant to be spending more time with your kids, but don’t think you can because you need to work to make ends meet? Deciding how much time you’re willing to spend away from your kids is...
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Poem - Alpha and Omega

He is the Alpha and OmegaThe beginning and the endHe is Creator and CaretakerOur Comforter and Friend He laughs at the impossibleHe knows it can be doneAll power and authorityBelong to the Son Now if you didn’t get it yetAnd if you haven’t heardHe always keeps His promisesIt’s written in His Word So whatever He has done beforeHe can do againRemember He’s Creator, CaretakerYour Comforter and Friend By Christina Morl...
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Oil – Part 3 of 3

Practically, the oil was a form of provision. During one particular famine, the Lord told the prophet Elijah to visit a certain widow (1Kings 17:8-16). This widow believed that she and her son would not survive the famine. All they had left was a little bit of oil and flour. In spite of her hopeless situation, Elijah told her to give him something to eat. She calculated that this would be the last of their provision, but still she fulfilled his request. Amazingly, that little bit of oil and flour did not run out until the famine ended....
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Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Oil – Part 2 of 3

As mentioned in the previous series “The Blood,” oil was also used symbolically to represent the Holy Spirit. In the time of the New Testament Church, believers anointed the sick with oil and prayed for them. Many were healed as a result. Many Christians today continue the practice of praying for the sick and anointing them with oil. With prayer, we can also anoint people with oil for joy and gladness. The oil represents the joy and gladness that the Spirit gives to replace the spirit of heaviness and mourning (Is. 61:1-3). Despite...
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Oil – Part 1 of 3

The oil is a significant symbol and application in our faith. When Jesus came to the Mount of Olives on the night of His betrayal, He was in an olive grove. It was no accident that Jesus was in this particular garden at the time of His arrest. Everything He did on this earth had a purpose and was ordered by His Father. Interestingly, olive trees represent righteousness, and Jesus was surrounded by olive trees. Perhaps Father God wanted the world to know that His Son was the perfect sacrifice, without spot or blemish, fully human, yet...
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Poem - The Substitute Lamb

A shepherd carefully scans his flock The sheep look content under his gaze But then he spots a lamb hidden by a rock Abandoned, hungry, and too young to graze Mothers recognize their young by smell So they won’t adopt orphaned sheep The shepherd knows this all too well So this keeps him from his sleep Only one way this lamb will survive That’s if another lamb should die The dead lamb’s fleece then will give The orphaned sheep a way to live Isn’t this what Jesus had to do for you and me When He hung upon that awful...
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Blood – Part 3 of 3

The blood makes us acceptable to Father God. Every time we take communion, we remember the blood of Jesus and the price He paid. The wine, or juice if you prefer, represents His blood and the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus taught that whenever the believers shared a meal together, they were to partake of this communion. For the early church, it was a regular occurrence presented in a natural way. I’m concerned that church traditions of today have stifled this privilege by over-spiritualizing and over-restricting when and how we should...
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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Blood – Part 2 of 3

My daughter, Jessica, as a small child Several years ago, my girls were having bad dreams. I thought it was strange since we were still praying the same way we did every night, but now those prayers no longer seemed effective. Soon after, my husband and I discovered some satanic paraphernalia just outside our property. It was strung-out cassette tape which looked harmless, but we had learned previously that Satanists record curses on them. After they record their curses, they pull the tape out, twine it around brush or fencing, or...
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Monday, July 23, 2012

The Blood – Part 1 of 3

The previous posts introduced the topic of spiritual warfare. This series introduces the spiritual protection and promises that are wrapped up in the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for us. His blood is crucial to a Christian’s life. God teaches us that blood is the life-source of every living creature and human being. For example, God gave women the potential to carry life. A necessary component to making that possible is our monthly menstrual cycle. Once an egg has been fertilized and travels to the uterus, this monthly flow...
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Poem – In His Care

I cannot be everywhere all the time, But for God there are no limitations. So, I trust my children in His care That He may be in all their situations. I ask the Lord to send His angels To minister, guard, and protect. Daily praying for my children, I know that He will not forget. By Christina Morl...
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spiritual Warfare – Part 4 of 4

Another tactic the enemy uses is silence. Anything that is not brought into the light has a certain hold on us, so the devil tries to keep us locked up with secrets. I think we all go through times in our lives that we don’t want to tell the truth about things in our past or present. Usually, we’re too ashamed to talk about them. However, not talking about these things can hold us back in our spiritual growth. We need to step out of secrecy, which holds us captive, and walk into His light and into His freedom. Sometimes it’s up to us...
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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Spiritual Warfare – Part 3 of 4

Another strategy Satan uses is fear. Satan relies on fear tactics to paralyze and overpower his victims. Sometimes he does this through criminals who prey on unsuspecting citizens. At other times, he uses fear to keep us from doing great things for God. Jesus has given us His authority to defeat the attacks of the enemy. First of all, God says He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2Tim. 1:7). He also says that perfect love casts out fear (1John 4:18). Once we no longer allow fear to paralyze us,...
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spiritual Warfare – Part 2 of 4

When Adam and Eve sinned, they unknowingly relinquished to Satan their authority on earth. But now, through the work on the cross, Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. He now sends us out into the world with that authority. We just have to learn how to walk in it. Satan has two major goals. His first goal is to keep as many people as he possibly can from following the Lord. His second goal is to keep those who do follow the Lord from ever reaching their full potential. As with combatants in any battle, Satan not...
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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spiritual Warfare – Part 1 of 4

As we are drawing closer and closer to Christ’s return, the evil around us is also increasing. In God’s eyes Satan is already a defeated foe for those who are walking under the lordship of Jesus Christ, but for the rest of mankind, he is still their ruler. He is fighting for his kingdom, a kingdom that leads to destruction. He is always looking for an opportunity to derail Christians, too. Many people think that he is weak and stupid. Others believe there is a God, but laugh if you mention that Satan and demons exist. The reality...
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Poem: Who’s Praying for the Children?

Lord, who’s praying for the children When they’re lost and alone And their houses are too sorry to be called a home When they’re growing up and their parents aren’t there And the children soon wonder if they even care Lord, who’s praying for the teens When they’re not at home And they’re running around, lost on their own When they’re pushing drugs and doing crime And you wonder why parents never had time Lord, who’s praying for the adults When they start their own home And now their children are left alone When the parents are...
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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Prayer is Powerful – Part 5 of 5

In my previous post, I asked how often do we pray for those who are following Christ? We might think that since they are already saved by God’s grace, we should place the focus of our prayers on non-believers. Let’s take a look at the Apostle Paul’s prayer life. In Paul’s letters to the churches, we see that he prayed night and day for his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Likewise, he asked them to pray for him. He knew that they were together in a spiritual battle and that prayer would help them stand firm in the faith. There...
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Prayer is Powerful – Part 4 of 5

Prayer walking is another great way to pray. Just take a walk around the neighborhood, and pray for your neighbors. They don’t have to know you’re praying, but God knows. He will honor your prayers. God wants us to commit everything to Him in prayer, but do we? Often we assume that God is right there tagging alongside us, so we don’t see the need to pray. Sure, God is there, and He’s promised never to leave us or forsake us. However, God gave us the earth to have authority over it, and through Adam we gave it to the devil. Now, we...
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Prayer is Powerful – Part 3 of 5

My husband and I have made it a habit of praying every morning with the kids, either before leaving the house or once we’re all in the car together. We also pray every night for each child, sometimes while they’re still awake or when they’re already sleeping. Part of our prayers includes asking God to give them good dreams. When I was a small child, I remember many times waking up from nightmares. As I grew older, those nightmares became less frequent. As an adult, I almost forgot they ever existed, but one day they suddenly came back. I...
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prayer is Powerful – Part 2 of 5

The best thing about prayer is that you can do it any time of the day. It’s like having a conversation with God. The moment you feel prompted to pray for someone or something, share it with God. Sometimes, when I’m driving and I see someone who looks like someone else I know, I think, “Hey, I wonder how so-and-so is doing?” Then I pray for that person. Even a quick prayer can be powerful. At other times, I might be having a conversation with a friend and the conversation leads to the friend having a need. Perhaps she hasn’t asked...
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Prayer is Powerful – Part 1 of 5

Prayer is an integral part of a vibrant Christian life. Fortunately, God does not grant us everything that we pray for, especially when those prayers are misguided. Usually, we start out praying the best we know how without properly tapping into the Holy Spirit’s leading. These self-led prayers are not all bad. God will listen to anyone who reaches out to Him; He’d rather we try than not pray at all. He also desires that we grow in our ability to pray as His Spirit leads. The more we pray God’s way, the greater the results will be. ...
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Poem - Our Lives are Like Stories

Our lives are like stories acted out in a play. Yet at times those stories get jumbled in some way. Maybe we read the wrong script or misread how it goes, And then find ourselves caught in the middle of life’s throws. To him that overcomes is victory living. Our strength comes from God and He keeps on giving. No man can go down where God cannot go, And God is a jealous God, His love He will show. If we miss out on the best, that’s not the end to our story. All things work together for the good to God’s glory. He came...
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thankful in Light of Our New Covenant – Part 3 of 3

We need to remind ourselves regularly that the moment we received His Spirit we also received a new nature. We should not live out of our old nature any longer. This requires the renewing of our minds: the process of changing our thought-life by developing a new perspective. He wants us to realize that He is there to enable us to accomplish His will in all areas of our lives. The Holy Spirit has been given to us who believe not only as a seal guaranteeing our salvation, but also as our teacher and our comforter. He is there every step...
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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Thankful in Light of Our New Covenant – Part 2 of 3

The moment we believed in Him He took our unrighteousness and gave us His righteousness. The more we understand this, the more victorious we’ll be in receiving true freedom. It’s crucial that we get this truth. It’s what makes true Christianity different from all other religions. Every other religion has rules and regulations to follow in order to reach Paradise, Karma, Reincarnation, or whatever their goal may be. However, no one can achieve God’s standards on his or her own merits, and with Christianity that’s just the point: we all...
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thankful in Light of Our New Covenant – Part 1 of 3

The Israelites didn't have the Holy Spirit available to them in the same way that He is available to us today. In the Old Testament days, the Holy Spirit visited specially appointed individuals. Usually those individuals had to fulfill a special role or convey a prophetic message. To have this kind of personal relationship with God was highly unusual. Since Jesus, it is possible for everyone to have an ongoing and intimate relationship with the Father. By accepting His gift of salvation, we automatically receive His Spirit. The Holy...
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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Poem - Rise Up

Rise up, people, and take a stand Now is the time to heal our land There are enough bad things around us to see That change has to start with you and me Transformation happens one by one Beginning with ourselves and on it will run To transform our families and others around As we stand by morality and what is sound By Christina Morl...
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thankful in Times of Opposition – Part 4 of 4

God wants to use us to influence society if we’re willing to stand up and join the ranks. Our great purpose in life is not only to care for our families. We were not placed here on earth only to preserve our own little kingdoms. He wants to use us to see His kingdom come on earth in every area of life, as it is in heaven. It’s easy for us to recognize that there is a lot of work to be done. The vast global needs can feel overwhelming. The opportunities and possibilities are endless. Do what God has called you to do, and He will work...
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Friday, May 25, 2012

Thankful in Times of Opposition – Part 3 of 4

Both Joshua and Caleb had the kind of faith where they were willing to be used by God to make a difference in their society. That’s because they never forgot their origins. They remembered that they were the chosen people of God and that their God was all-powerful. They also chose to remain faithful to God no matter what the cost. That included standing up to popular opinion. Everyone else, except for Moses, wanted to listen to the ten spies that had come back with a fearful report. Joshua and Caleb tried to persuade them differently,...
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thankful in Times of Opposition – Part 2 of 4

If you have lost your God-given dream or never dared to have one, I’ve got good news for you. God hasn’t lost it or forgotten it. Your past failures and disappointments don’t have to hold you back from living out your destiny. God uses the positive as well as the negative experiences to shape your future. God is not looking for flawless people but for real people willing to offer their strengths and weaknesses for His service. Perhaps Moses seemed an unlikely candidate, but God wanted him because he had become a humble man and was therefore...
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Friday, May 18, 2012

Thankful in Times of Opposition – Part 1 of 4

What was going on in the hearts and minds of the Israelites the first time they wanted to enter the Promised Land? With the exception of Joshua and Caleb, the people’s hearts were gripped with fear when they saw what stood in their way. The people of the land were mighty and God’s people felt small, so they lost confidence in themselves. They doubted Moses, and most of all, they doubted God. They had a hard time believing in others, probably because they didn’t believe in themselves. Fear crippled them and prevented them from possessing...
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